About Me

My name is Jordan and I'm a passionate and motivated Front End Developer with two years of website design and coding experience. My main goal is to create designs that focus on experiences and funtionality. I have experience with handling complex HTML and CSS coding, designs and functionalities to produce clean website design.


What I Can Do👩‍💻



Knowledgeable in multiple web technologies. I use these technologies to create responsive websites that provide a user-friendly experience.


Conceptualization of the product or service from start to finish (including research, user testing, wireframes, and prototypes)


When it comes to website maintenance and support, I ensure that your website is up-to-date by providing you with regular maintenance, updates, and support.

What I've Done🎨


project one

Casa Mia Group

Multi-page real estate website where you can search MLS listings in the Phoenix Metro areas. All styling of IDX widgets created with CSS. Built with WordPress, Divi, CSS, IDX API. VIEW PROJECT

Technologies Used:

project two

Natours Landing Page

Static landing page for a fictional tour guide company that contains an about, features, pricing, testimonials, and booking form. Built with HTML, CSS, and Sass. VIEW PROJECT

Technologies Used:

project three

React Dictionary Project

Dictionary landing page where you can search for words, listen to pronunciation, see different definitions based on word type, and see example photos. Built with HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, Pexels API, and Free Dictionary API. VIEW PROJECT

Technologies Used:

project four

Coffee Landing Page

Static landing page that contains an informative card and an interactive question. Information was collected from Wikipedia, and the question uses information inputted by the user. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Completed in April 2021. VIEW PROJECT

Technologies Used:

project five

React Weather Project

Weather application that uses the OpenWeather API to display the weather in real time in a 5-day format. Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and React. VIEW PROJECT

Technologies Used:

project six

Weather Project

Weather application that uses the OpenWeather API to display the weather in real time in a 6-day format. Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Javascript. VIEW PROJECT

Technologies Used:

How To Get In Touch💻

Contact Me